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    Brand & Marketing Resources

    How To Create a Super Successful Facebook Ad

    How To Create a Super Successful Facebook Ad

    More than 2 billion people use Facebook every month. That’s a lot of potential customers! Facebook Ads allow you to reach and connect with them. With Facebook’s Ad Center, you can create a custom, high-performing ad for your company without having to hire an agency. All it takes is a little practice and some basic […]

    How To Create a Super Successful Facebook Ad
    Boss Creative Coffee Chat #1: Camille

    Boss Creative Coffee Chat #1: Camille

    If you’ve made it this far, it’s probably either because a) you love Camille just as much as we do or b) you’ve heard about the #BossCreativeCoffeeChat from our social media posts lately.   Either way, here’s the gist:   In an attempt to become more connected, the Boss Creative team started hosting coffee chats […]

    Boss Creative Coffee Chat #1: Camille
    5 Steps to Great Brand Design

    5 Steps to Great Brand Design

    Good design has two parts: function and aesthetics.   The first is quite easy! You have a reason for needing to design something (an ad, for example) and it’s usually to promote an event or product. But the aesthetics part can be a bit tricky if you’re new at it.   Before you get overwhelmed […]

    5 Steps to Great Brand Design
    3 Ways to Push Past a Creative Block

    3 Ways to Push Past a Creative Block

    Creative block. It just sounds bad, doesn’t it? Lucky for you, we’re here to help get rid of it!   But before we begin, there’s something you should know… Ahh, that’s better.   Now that you have that information in your brain, let’s turn our attention to the real reason you’re here: How can I […]

    3 Ways to Push Past a Creative Block
    DIY vs. Professional Branding

    DIY vs. Professional Branding

    Branding.   You’ve heard about it from us before. You probably know it well by now. But this time around, we are going to answer a different branding question: Should I do it myself, or should I hire a professional to help construct my brand? The answer? It depends!   But first, here’s a quick […]

    DIY vs. Professional Branding
    How to Craft a Killer Ad (According to the Super Bowl)

    How to Craft a Killer Ad (According to the Super Bowl)

    Whether you’re here for advertising tips or to rewatch this year’s Super Bowl commercials, you’ve come to the right place.   A Brief History of Super Bowl Advertising: The first Super Bowl was held in 1967, more than 50 years ago. Aside from the game itself, Super Bowl commercials have always been a fan favorite. […]

    How to Craft a Killer Ad (According to the Super Bowl)